Saturday, September 27, 2008

Random Questions...

Why don't the boys/men of America wear jeans that fit their bodies? Case in point - Richard Gere in his new movie. So nice to look at.

Why is it, that women cleavage is so common? Am I jealous (sometimes)? It's gotten to the point that I feel like throwing ice cubes into cleavage as kind of a game when I am serving beverages on the plane! Thing is, I'd run out of ice cubes!
Do they really taste like chicken? The passenger wearing this t-shirt wasn't brave enough to try them...

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I thought I was the only one noticing the humongous cleavage women bring on airplanes! I had a Mom just the other night who was half out of her halter top, and as her little one fell asleep against her tattooed "pillows", all I could think was: "Boy, that's got to be comfy!" Then there was the other lady teetering on 5 inch strappy sandals and short shorts, trying to push her over-sized bag up the aisle. Yes, push, not pull. Is it any wonder she was having issues....giggle, giggle.