Tuesday, November 27, 2007

An Evening to Remember

Well...now I know why I was assigned to the Dallas turn yesterday evening - because I had the most incredible evening! God had a hand in the assignment, because lots of things came together confirming WHY I am doing this.

First off, I was super-tired...it was my fifth day in a row of flying, and let's just say I was a bit "punchy." I started the evening off by telling the Captain (who was relaxing in a reclined cabin seat watching TV before the flight), that he needed to "put his seat in a full upright position in preparation for boarding." He thought that was very clever...

Next, I just started joking around with the passengers - fitting their bags into the overhead bins like a jigsaw puzzle. One woman commented on how good I was at working that puzzle! I told her that my husband taught me well - he's an expert at packing the trunk of the car and I guess I must have taken mental notes.

Next, several passengers told me how much they love Frontier, even before the flight had taken off! I told them that that is why I chose Frontier...it's always nice to hear that I'm working for a great company!

The flight to Dallas was pretty uneventful, but the flight back to Denver was INCREDIBLE. The flight was booked solid. I had one young woman who was assigned to a window seat, but a man had taken her seat so that he could sit next to his companion and he refused to move. So the young woman defeatedly said she'd move back to his assigned middle seat, several rows back. Next, there were people assigned to the same seats, young children assigned to sit in the exit row (the FAA requires that you be at least 15 years old) - it was a mess. So during the next five minutes or so, I shuffled passengers around, swapping this person for that seat - it was SO MUCH FUN! Everyone followed my direction, I got everyone seated, and most importantly...everyone was satisfied.

I had offered free DirectTV to the displaced young woman, but she turned me down. She had had a very bad day, and was on the verge of tears...I even offered her a free drink, but she didn't want that, either. Later in the flight, she came up to the forward galley and she was crying. So Bridgette (an incredibly wonderful flight attendant who I hope I get to work with OFTEN) and I talked with her, supplied her with Kleenex, and let her pour out her troubles. She had had a not-so-good job interview that day, and was really bummed, and all the hassle with the seating just confirmed her bad day! She had a bit of a cry, and then she went back to her seat.

A couple weeks ago, I had ordered 100 yellow smiley face pins from a vendor with my own funds - I had wanted something to hand out to those passengers who really "touched me" in some way. This young woman was my first recipient...I gave it to her and told her that I know she's upset now, but that everything will work out for her in the long run, and to keep her chin up. I told her that if things don't work out, she should consider coming to work for Frontier for awhile - I'd LOVE to work with her! Then I went to the next two recipients - a young "hippie-type" couple who had seats A and B, but volunteered without even being asked to move to separate middle seats so that two young brothers could sit together. They, too, had refused my offer of free TV. They were just so sweet and kind - and I was just so impressed by their generosity. They were very touched and happy to receive my smiley face pins.

As the passengers deplaned, Bridgette and I each gave the young woman a great big hug and wished her well - she smiled and pointed to the smiley face pin on her jacket! Then the young couple came up, each wearing their pins, and gave me a "high five" on their way out the door.

Lastly, I gave a pin to Bridgette - a truly lovely and warm person. She's from South Africa, has an amazing accent, and has such a soothing personality. She kept complimenting me on a job well done (my passenger shuffling efforts, infectious humor, etc. - she really pumped up my ego last night), and during our free time we spoke often of our daughters - hers is 5 and mine just turned 19. I felt she deserved a smiley face pin on her apron. As we were riding the bus to the employee parking lot, I found out that her birthday was the same day as Jen's - the previous day! Finding that out just gave me chills...

I guess the moral of the story is that you CAN touch people's lives in a positive way (or they can touch yours), even if it's just for a few minutes, a couple hours or more. That's what my goal was - I wanted a fun, adventurous new career, where I could have a positive impact. This confirms that I made the right decision!

Monday, November 26, 2007

"Clean-up on Aisle 12!"

Well, I experienced my first clean-up last night...a lap child (less than 2 years) who wasn't feeling well. Most of what she expelled landed on the passenger next to her, so it wasn't too bad for me!

Other than that, things went really well. I enjoyed working with my crew for four days - only the First Officer kept changing. Everyone seemed to have a pretty good attitude about life in general! I hope I continue to work with fun people.

When I got in right after midnight, I called Crew Scheduling to be released, and he told me that I had an assignment for today! At first, he said "Your flight leaves in 10 minutes - I hope you aren't too tired!" WHAT!?!?! Fortunately, he was teasing...my flight is really leaving at 1630 and I'll be back in DEN by 2105 - just a quick turn to DFW (Dallas). Whew. I am really tired and am looking forward to having the next three days off.

So I drove back to Colorado Springs last night, arriving at 1:30AM. Then this morning I drove Jen back to the airport in Denver - her flight left around 12 Noon. I've been hanging out in the crew room since then...doing a little napping, a little talking, a little drinking (no...not alcohol), and a little emailing. Before you know it, I"ll need to check in for my flight and I'll be on my way!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Emerald City - Seattle

The movie ended and the sun was still shining, so out I went!!! I took a public bus to the heart of the shopping district in downtown Seattle, then went to the Space Needle (my Dad took me there for dinner back in the early 80s) and the arts district. Then I walked back and found the big fish market...though they sold lots more than fish! It had food, clothes, jewelry...but it was a bit on the touristy side.

After going back to the hotel, I went to the hotel bar and sat down with a nice big bowl of clam chowder...yummy!!! As I walked back to my room, the heated outdoor pool and hot tub were enticing me! So off I went! I hung out in the hot tub until I was smokin' and then I cooled off in the pool. Then back into the hot tub. The temp outside was in the 40s and the hot tub was around 108 degrees. It was very relaxing...

Now off to the airport I go in a couple of hours! This time I'll end up in Denver around midnight and I'll get to go home (I hope!).

Not so Sleepless in Seattle

I think it's Sunday, and I think I'm in Seattle! I had a wonderful time in Tampa yesterday - my good friend, Jeanette, picked me up at the hotel and we had a very enjoyable lunch at Bahama Breeze...it was so relaxing! Then we went to St. Andrews Episcopal Church where her husband, John, is the Rector. John gave me a tour of the facility...it was awesome. They've got some big plans for renovation, it is going to be exciting to see. Then we hung out at their home with their 6 year old son, Hamilton..what a cutie!

Last night we flew back to Denver, and then on to Seattle. The crew decided to walk to the hotel from the airport, even though it was almost midnight! But when I arrived, I realized that I had left my cell phone on the plane! So the First Officer and I walked back to the airport and retrieved it! So I got my workout in last night! Then I hung out in the bar with the crew, eating CLAM CHOWDER at 1AM...it was SO GOOD.

It was all foggy and cold here this morning, but now the sun is out and I feel that I should get out of this hotel room...but I can't seem to get motivated!!! Today is Jennifer's 19th birthday, and I'm wishing I were with her and Greg at home! But, I knew being #1000 out of #1023 on the seniority list was going to have it's downside, so I need to make the best of it! "Happy Gilmore" is on TV and I've never seen it before. And I think the next website I visit is "What to do/see in Seattle!"

Friday, November 23, 2007

In the Air Again

I am having a great time! I took a walk "around the block" from the hotel in Nashville...saw lots of neat things, including the Dominican Sisters' Mother House and Novitiate. After a relaxing morning, we took the shuttle bus back to the airport and then flew back to DIA.

We had about an hour's layover, and then boarded our plane to Tampa. The crew I am flying with is great! Our First Officer from the Nashville flight had another assignment, so we got a new one - Jim. His employee number is within 10 of mine! He started on 9/10/07 and I started on 9/14/07...though I've been flying more than he has... But the crew is getting along great. Cathy's (the "C" flight attendant) husband had the Nashville ground crew sing Happy Birthday to his wife last night as we deplaned - but I found out today that it wasn't her birthday. And then today, the Captain announced on our flight to Tampa that Rodney (the "A" flight attendant) was named "Flight Attendant of the Month" - and I believed him! I found out tonight that he was pulling our leg. I told them all that I am a very trusting person, and that they are ruining that for me!

I'm now all settled into a great hotel room in Tampa, complete with a balcony overlooking the pool. I can hardly wait until daybreak so that I can see what the heck is around us. Let me tell you...this is a really tough life!

View from my hotel room...

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a great flight to Nashville - I was the "B" flight attendant assigned to the aft galley. As usual, we're staying at a GREAT hotel! Life is really tough...! Fortunately, when we got here, the restaurant was open for another hour, and the crew and I got to have a great Thanksgiving buffet! The bonus...no dirty dishes to clean up!

I have a lot to be thankful for...a great new job, a supportive husband, daughter and family, and lots of friends! Hopefully, soon, I will be visiting with you!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What are the Odds?!?!

I am on duty for six days, starting today. Jennifer is coming home for six days, starting today. What are the odds that I get called for a job that lasts the same amount of time that she is in town? Well...I guess they were pretty good.

Jennifer flies in tonight at midnight (it'll be closer to 1:30AM due to a flight delay), and I have to be at the airport at 2:15PM tomorrow for the start of a four-day trip! Oh well. I already figured that I'd miss Thanksgiving dinner, but I had hoped I'd be home for Jennifer's 19th birthday on Sunday. I'll miss it by minutes - my trip will officially be over at 12:11AM on Monday. Bummer.
It's tough being #1000 out of 1023 flight attendants! Next year I'll have a bit more seniority.

To make things a bit easier, the three of us and Kikko will spend tonight at the Geyer's house in Denver - it's only 20 minutes from the airport, so it'll work out well. We'll get to sleep in a bit, have breakfast, celebrate Jennifer's birthday early, and then I'll go to the airport and they'll head home, drop Kikko off, and then go to the Littlewood's home for Thanksgiving dinner.

Anyway, I get to spend Thursday night in Nashville, TN; Friday night in Tampa, FL (where I'll bug John & Jeanette if they're available); and Saturday night in Seattle, WA. I've looked through my address book and actually don't know anyone in TN or WA. We'll have to change that.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Fun-filled Weekend!

On Friday night, my crew and I flew to Dallas - fairly uneventful flight...and we got to our hotel pretty late so it was bedtime for me! (Especially after not getting home until 2AM that morning!) When I woke up, I threw on my workout clothes and went in search of a Diet Coke...in a can...cold. Success!

It was a beautiful day! I had no clue where I was (Bedford, TX - between Dallas and Ft. Worth), so I went out and started walking. In an hour's time, I saw more eateries than I had seen in quite awhile, including a movie theatre that served meals! If there had been a movie I was dying to see, I would have spent the day there.

Instead, after my walk, I grabbed my book and sat poolside for a few hours reading and napping and reading and napping. I cannot remember the last time that I did that.

That night, we ferried (flew it empty) the plane to Monroe, LA where we hung out for a few hours until the San Jose State football players arrived. Let's just say they were pretty sullen...they had lost their game 27-24, the fifth of six away games that they've lost. There were a few cutie patooties who I was going to give Jennifer's phone number to, but my Mom told me "don't go giving out my granddaughter's phone number!!!"

By the time we arrived in San Francisco, it was after 2AM. I was SO GLAD to see the hotel. The bed was SO COMFY, and I slept until noon (unheard of). When I went in search of a cold Diet Coke (in a can - do you see a pattern here?), I walked out the back door and right towards the San Francisco Bay! I had no clue we were right there. Either the tide was out, or the bay is drying up, or maybe it wasn't the bay...but the water was kind of far from shore.

In the early afternoon, my crew went back to the airport to deadhead home to Denver. There were lots of non-revs on board, including a male flight attendant - Will, who was a card! What a great attitude, but what a kidder. It was hard to nap - he kept goofing off, but it was a fun flight - just sitting there, getting waited on.

I had today off as well as tomorrow...and then I begin SIX DAYS of duty! It should be interesting...and busy!!!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Frontier's Friendly Skies

We had a mini-reunion in the crewroom last night - I saw Nancy, John, Wendy, Bonnie, Mary, Kelly, Stephanie, Kim, and Venica! It is hard to believe that we graduated from training one month ago today...

Yesterday, I flew the couch and caught up on my filing and reading. Earlier in the afternoon I was given a three day trip which starts tonight. I will fly to Dallas tonight and spend most of the day in town. Tomorrow night, my crew and I will ferry the plane to Monroe, LA where we'll pick up the San Jose State football team and fly all night to San Francisco. We'll get in around 3AM and head to the hotel for some sleep. Then on Sunday afternoon, we will "deadhead" (ride as passengers) back to Denver.

Seeing as how I'll be hanging out with a bunch of college football players, I have asked if it'd be appropriate if I passed out Jen's picture and phone number...but unfortunately, that'd probably fall under the "No soliciting" rule that I have to follow. Bummer. It was suggested that I wear a pin with her picture on it, instead!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Flying the Couch, Again!

I started duty again this morning at 12:01 - I am on again until Sunday night at midnight. We are very lucky to usually get a call in advance telling us what our assignment is - yesterday, I received a call telling me that I am assigned to fly the couch on the "D" shift tonight - 8:30PM until 12:30AM.

I don't mind flying the couch...it is a great time to catch up on reading, tv watching, chatting with other flight attendants. So far, I have not been called out on any trips from the couch, so I complete my duty and go home. This afternoon between noon and 1PM, when they assign jobs for tomorrow, I fully expect a call assigning me to a job - there are quite a few open jobs listed. So stay tuned to see where I get to go next!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Palm Trees

We had a blast on our flight from MDW to DEN - I selected a row of women (11 DEF) to be my "troubled row" - I warned them ahead of time that they had been selected, and that I would be telling them to "keep it down" and to "behave themselves." Fortunately, they played along! At one point, one of them untied my apron as I walked past, causing the cabin to erupt in laughter! I told them that I would speak to the captain about them...and I did! At the end of the flight back in Denver, everyone was laughing and saying what a fun flight it was...that we were all great! The Captain and First Officer were confused as to why everyone was so happy!!!

We flew to Phoenix later that night, and arrived at our hotel after midnight. We changed clothes and sat in the bar for a little while watching the antics of another flight attendant from a different airline. She was a bit on the wasted side. I didn't last long, and headed back to my room. The next morning, when I opened the curtains and stepped out onto my balcony I saw PALM TREES! Sunshine, palm trees, bushes with red flowers, birds singing, water from a fountain making trickling noises...ahhhhh. I could have stayed there for awhile. But alas, it was time to take the shuttle back to the airport and fly back to Denver!

The view off my hotel balcony...

And I totally lucked out...once I was in Denver, crew scheduling released me to my three days off!!! Yippee! It was time to go home and RELAX.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

My Kind of Town, Chicago Is!

Last night, I flew from Denver to Chicago on the first leg of my first three day trip! What a flight it was...let's just say, that up until last night, all my flights have been very uneventful. The passengers have been quiet and calm, the crew has been very ordinary and normal. But last night, the alcohol was flowing, the voices were raised, and the tempers of the passengers started flaring. There was one girl in particular who was a LOUD drunk - I finally asked her to "tone it down a bit because other passengers are complaining" and let's just say, she didn't think there was a problem. But when the other passengers clapped as she left the plane...that should have told her something.

We checked into our hotel after midnight, and then early this morning my cousin, Randy, came by and took me to breakfast! And then afterwards he took me to a Lithuanian bakery...oh my, my, my. It was a good thing that I was not hungry!!!

Then Randy had to go to work, so he dropped me off at the airport where I picked up what is probably the UGLIEST RENTAL CAR I have ever seen! I won't say the make/model of the car for fear that I would offend someone...but I will say that it is CANARY YELLOW. YOW! Off I went, driving around Chicagoland in my tweety bird car.

First stop was St. Casimir's Cemetery where I researched where all my relatives are buried, including my Dad - I counted 13. I now have a map of the cemetery that I've marked with all the locations.

Afterwards, I hung out a bit more with Randy and Jack at their stores (a costume store and a rare records shop). And then to top off my day, on the way back to the hotel I stopped and got some White Castle SLIDERS! Yummmmmmmmmy.

I leave the hotel in an hour or so to turn tweety bird back into Avis, and hop on a flight back to Denver...sometime later tonight I will end up in Phoenix!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

I Love New York!

I was successful getting on the Monday night redeye to LaGuardia as a non-rev, so that I could spend a couple days with my baby girl! We had a wonderful time together - did a little bit of shopping, a little bit of eating, and saw a couple Broadway shows...one of them, Hairspray, had "Norm" from Cheers as the main character's Mom (played by John Travolta in the new movie). It was a fun, fun play - but we were a bit disappointed...Lance Bass from N'Sync was supposed to be in it, but his understudy played the role of Corny Collins, instead. That made Jen sad, cause we were front row center - she had hoped to reach out and convince him that SHE is the one he's been looking for (even though he recently came out of the closet). The other show we saw was "Legally Blonde" - a bit different than the movie, but a lot of fun to watch!!!

Watching the skaters in Central Park...

I lucked out on my hotel - I stayed at The Pod Hotel (where Jen & I stayed this past August when she attended the Rockette Summer Intensive in NYC). I had reserved our "usual" - bunkbeds (yes...you read correctly) with a shared bathroom. But somehow (God was looking out for me) I ended up with a bunkbed room that had a private bath and shower! Yippee! I was thrilled. It's a cute, modern, boutique hotel that is only 4 blocks from Jen's dorm.

I start three days of reserve at midnight. I hear that things have been pretty slow for all the reserves, but that there will be lots of open flights starting around the 15th...gearing up for the holiday season!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Sheer Panic!

Have you ever seen the look of sheer panic on a pilot's face? I did...on Saturday night after we told our pilot that all three of us were new graduates! Let's just say that our pre-flight crew briefing was A LOT more detailed than usual. You could tell that the guy wanted to have all his bases covered.

But...not to worry! We did GREAT! There were no medicals, no emergencies, just a bit of trouble with the DirecTV. On the way to the hotel, we offered to buy the pilot and first officer a drink in honor of our successful flight, but they were flying out again in only five hours. So instead, we told them that they should buy US a drink since we weren't flying again for ten hours. No dice. Oh well...we tried.

The three of us got to sleep in - I even watched a movie on HBO2, though I don't know which one it was cause I missed the beginning - then we got to ride as passengers on the flight back to DEN. It was fun to watch the flight attendants on duty...one of whom was one of our instructors! I even picked up a few additional tips. When we got back, we called crew scheduling and we were released for a ten hour rest period! Wow. What a job.

I'm heading to DEN today in an attempt to be released from duty early - I hope to fly to New York this evening to spend my days off with Jen. It's been TOO LONG since I've seen her!!!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

California, Here I Come!

I got to "fly the couch" yesterday from Noon until 6PM, and was not called to do a pre-board or take a flight...bummer. But I did get a lot of reading done, a lot of visiting with other flight attendants, and some TV watching, too!

I saw quite a few of my classmates - Casie, Kelly, Tamara, Colette, Roz, Sherri, Hope, E.C., Renate, Steph, Maura...! Almost 1/3rd of my class. And how fun is this...I got assigned to a flight for tonight to Sacramento - Casie is the "A" attendant, I am the "B" attendant, and Renate is the "C" attendant! I had just commented to someone earlier in the day how nice it'd be to fly with my classmates. We'll arrive in Sacramento just before midnight, and then fly home tomorrow right before noon. Weird thing is, we'll be deadheading home (flying as passengers and not having to work). Once back in Denver, I'll continue to be on call until 11:58PM Monday night.

Rumor has it that things are slow now, but that around the 15th of the month the holiday schedule will kick in and we will be "on the go." Plus, there are over 100 flight attendants on reserve duty right now...

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Waiting Game

I went back on reserve at 12:01AM this morning, but the phone has been quiet...I was actually able to get a couple projects done! When Noon rolled around, I watched the open jobs for tomorrow slowly disappear from the open list, but none of them showed up on my schedule. Then a bit later, as I ran a couple of errands, Crew Scheduling called to let me know that I was assigned to "fly the couch" from Noon until 6PM tomorrow. I had unpacked a few things from my suitcase, and had gotten my uniforms dry-cleaned, so this evening I get to fit it all back in the bag!