Saturday, May 31, 2008

Saturday in Sacramento

We had an early morning flight back to Denver, and as usual, we had lots and lots of passengers stopping on their way off the plane telling us how much they LOVE Frontier! It's a great feeling!

As I was walking off the plane, I called crew scheduling to see what was on the schedule, and I was told that I was going to Sacramento in an hour! It turns out that the original crew assigned to the flight were stuck somewhere on a broken there were two of us who were assigned to the flight right after we landed, and one who was pulled off the couch. I didn't mind, though...when I saw we would be in town at around 1:30pm, I was thrilled!

Why? I decided then and there that I was going to make every effort to see the Sex and the City movie!!! It turns out that our hotel was across the street from a big mall, and guess what the mall had?!?! A movie theater! One of my co-workers went with me, but the other two female flight crew (the male Captain wasn't invited) had promised to see it with friends.

It was SO WONDERFUL! But...that is ONLY if you have watched the series. If you haven't, you just won't "get it" and won't fully appreciate it. I will see it again next week when Jen is home from NYC - she thinks that she is in one of the opening scenes!

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