Thursday, May 8, 2008

Kansas City

Before I start today's blog, here's a picture of "the couch" in the crewroom. THIS is where the action takes place...magazines get read, conversations are held, naps are taken.

That was yesterday. And now for today...I came back on duty at 4AM, and thank goodness no one called! But crew scheduling did call at 10AM and gave me a 3 day trip that left Denver this evening! Yipppeee!

The crew I joined "in progress" had been in Chicago last night, and the B flight attendant didn't feel well enough to continue. So that's where I come in! But let's just say that things were "not clicking" for me tonight...I just didn't feel like I was on the top of my game. But you know what? It doesn't matter! Tomorrow is another day!

Our van leaves the hotel at 7:45AM - we get to sleep in! Yippee! We'll be going back to Denver, be on the ground for about an hour, and then we'll go to St. Louis for the rest of the day. What I'll do there depends on the weather...if it's nice I'll be out and about. If it's rainy, I'll nestle in my room.'s late here, so I had better get ready for bed.

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