Friday, May 30, 2008

Sleep?!? What's that???

Just when I thought it was safe to go to sleep...

I got a call this morning at 5:08AM from crew scheduling telling me that I had a 7:45AM show time for a turn to Los Angeles and an overnight in Washington, DC. It's a good thing that I didn't go to one of the two midnight showings of the "Sex and the City" movie!

I just got back from the LAX turn...on the flight to LAX I asked a young male passenger how he was doing, and he replied that he wasn't feeling so hot - he said he'd been "totally drunk" only 4 hours before! That set the wheels in motion. I contacted the CPT and the C flight attendant (I was the A attendant at the front of the plane), and she went and chatted with the passenger. He told her that he hadn't had a drink since the night before, and that he was only kidding when he told me he was still drunk. She told him that's not anything you kid about on an airplane!

Then coming back to DEN, I was attempting to help a passenger put a roller bag into the overhead, and I moved a man's bag out of the way. You would have thought that I had stepped on his toes and kneed him in the groin! When I told him that smaller bags needed to be moved to make room for larger bags, his wife replied that "we were here early." I don't know what that has to do with the price of beans in Bermuda, but she felt it was relevant. I left that hot bed of unhappiness and went back to my front door...The CPT witnessed the event, and we decided that maybe we should go back and offer that couple our "Gone with the Wind" seats on the wings...

I am now in the crewroom - I have about 45 minutes until my showtime for my flight to DCA. Unfortunately, I arrive in DC close to 10PM, so I will not be getting together with any of my family - I'll have to be back at the airport at 7:40AM. But that's okay - I plan on visiting in a week or so while I'm on my COLA.

More later...

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