Thursday, October 30, 2008


We had a fun time yesterday - just hung around the apartment most of the day watching "Gilmore Girls" and ventured out to have a bit of dinner. While out, we stopped at Jennifer Convertibles and bought a new sofa bed to replace the "futon" that the girls currently have. Let's just say that it has seen better times, and is ready for the junk heap. The new sofabed will be delivered in a couple weeks.

I titled this "Spontaneity!!!" because my little girl asked me to stay another day...I go back on duty on Saturday, and both the flights going home on Friday are wide open. but I had planned on going back tonight so that I could hand out toothbrushes and candy to the kiddos...but Greg is going to take over that duty for the first time in 16 years! His duty over the past years was to take Jen around...

So today I'll visit The Tall Girl Shop while Jen is in class, and just kind of hang around during the day...

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