Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Long Ride Home

I flew to Kansas City, MO last night in a full plane - everything went well, the crew was friendly, and the hotel was very, very nice. Today we didn't leave the hotel until 6:30PM, so I had lots of time to do a lot of nothing...
I slept late in the wonderful bed in my hotel room
I watched "Never Been Kissed" on HBO
I made oatmeal using my coffeemaker
I worked on my November schedule
I studied and filled out my ballot for the election
I went to the fitness center and walked on the treadmill for an hour
I ate lunch/dinner out of canned goods (and later found a microwave in the lobby...too late)
I showered and got ready to go back to the airport
I took a picture of the antique chandelier in the hotel lobby

The return flight tonight was interesting...there was a thunderstorm in the area, and as we were climbing, there was lightning everywhere. Then a fellow flight attendant asked, "Have you ever been in a plane that has been hit by lightning?" That did not make me feel good...

As I mentioned in the title, the drive back to Colorado Springs took longer than usual. At first, I thought it was snowplows spraying the roads with anti-freeze solution. But then I realized that there weren't plows in front of me, but a bunch of police cars. The closer I got, I realized that it was a motorcade - police cars were blocking both lanes and not allowing anyone to pass, a bunch of buses, and several limos - motorcycle cops were preventing people from entering the highway until the motorcade passed, and police cars were on every overpass making sure that everyone was behaving themselves. When I got home, I surfed the net and found out that Biden is making an appearance in Colorado Springs in the morning. I am disappointed that the cops didn't let me pull in front of Biden's limo - I wanted him to see my "Go Sarah Go" bumper sticker.

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