Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Oops! Be Careful What You Ask For...

Well, I wanted a trip, and they gave me one! I have a 2030 (8:30PM) showtime today for a flight to San Jose, CA. The thing that kind of stinks is that we will have 7 hours on the ground...that includes the time to drive to/from the hotel and back to the airport in the early morning. So it'll probably be less than 6 hours of sleep and NOTHING ELSE. No sightseeing, no reading, no surfing the web...

I flew the couch yesterday from 6AM until Noon, and then spent an hour or so driving around the neighborhoods near our HQ looking at properties for sale - I found an adorably cute 2 bedroom place - part of a townhouse complex, but none are available. You need to put $ down and then it'll be built and completed in about 9-12 months! I hope by then that I wouldn't need to even consider having a place near the airport!!!

Anyway, I looked at the outside of a few places in another neighborhood, and have decided that it might not be a good neighborhood for me to be going in/out at all hours of the day/night. Also, most of these properties were foreclosures, so when I peeked through the windows, all I saw was destruction. Not pretty. So, I'll keep on looking. If I'm meant to have a place (to be able to quit driving to/from Denver during duty days), I'm sure something will pop up!

I have spent the day watching the inauguration - history in the making. People are treating our new President like he's a rock star. I hope that four years from now, their hopes have been fulfilled and that they still feel the same way. We are living in exciting times...

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