Friday, December 12, 2008


The phone FINALLY rang this morning! It was crew scheduling giving me 3 1/2 hours notice that I was taking a four-day trip. Yay! I had time to pack my lunch bag, take a shower, dress, leisurely drive to Denver, and have a little chat with an Inflight Manager at the airport (more about that later).

I'll be with this same crew for all four days - cause we won't be back in Denver until Monday! Thank goodness it's an easy-going Senior Mamas!!! I have flown with Fadia before - she's very positive and nice...thank goodness!

Today was really easy - we took a one-hour flight to Salt Lake City, UT and are at a Red Lion spending the night. The hotel is within walking distance of Temple Square and The Gateway shopping district. I started out after lunch and came back when the lights were being turned on - very, very pretty. I took the following pictures at Temple Square:

As I mentioned before, I spoke with a manager for a little while to get advice as to what to do, if anything, about the Senior Mamas that I recently flew with. It was so uncomfortable, and it shouldn't have to be that way.

She suggested that I contact a member of the Peer Advisory Committee - tell the member my story, the names of the other flight attendants, and request that I remain anonymous. The manager agreed that it is very important to make the announcements the way they are written, and that it's critical to follow Frontier's rules to avoid FAA fines. Since I had attempted to discuss these issues with the Senior Mamas without success, she feels that they might need a bit of counsel by another flight attendant - no manager involvement at this point.

The manager also told me that management has attempted in the past to educate the senior people as to the importance of keeping up with the changes in procedures, BUT the seniors weren't thrilled with being told how to do their job. I guess you CAN'T teach old dogs new tricks.

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