Thursday, December 4, 2008

Called to Duty!

I got assigned to the couch this morning from 6AM until Noon. I checked in at around 5:45AM and was immediately sent to a gate to fly a turn to Chicago Midway. The first passenger hadn't even come on board, and the "missing flight attendant" showed up, and I was sent back to the sofa. As a "consolation" prize, crew scheduling clocked me in at 5:30AM...I would have liked to have stayed on that trip - they were spending tonight in San Francisco!

We had one preboard while on duty today - but again, before we brought on any passengers, the "real" crew showed up.

Other than that, it was a quiet morning. I finished "Twilight" and am looking forward to reading the second book in the series. I also read a magazine or two...when noon came, I decided to take my chances and drive home. It's snowing a bit here, and now that it's dark, the roads are freezing. I don't have to worry until tomorrow morning - I aggressively bid for a 3-day trip to Detroit and Milwaukee, and actually got it. I have to be at the airport at 10:30AM tomorrow. I sure hope the roads are clear when I leave at around 8AM. Maybe I'll just put studded snow tires on my car!!!

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