Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve in Dallas

Ah...the life of a reserve flight attendant. Holiday? What's a holiday? (I really shouldn't complain, though, since I did not go anywhere on Thanksgiving...)

I purposely did not bid on any available jobs yesterday on the board, with hopes of "flying under the radar" and not getting picked for a trip. But...that did not work. I was assigned to a 0615 show time this morning for a turn to Kansas City and a Dallas overnight. That's not so bad, but it's the turn to Omaha tomorrow afternoon that stinks - we have a 2 hour sit in Denver first, then return to Denver at around 9PM. Yuck.

But the worst thing is, I am starting to not feel well...the old sore throat/sinus/etc. Part of me wants to call in sick for the Omaha turn, but I don't want them not to believe me. So I guess I'll sleep on it and see how I feel in the morning...

I am really looking forward to going home for Christmas day, even if it's at 11PM or so!!!

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