Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Sister Diane

Yesterday, Diane went to see Greg for her dental appointment - she made sure to tell the other patients that she flew across the country to specifically have Greg do her dental work! I don't think she told them that he was her brother-in-law!

After her appointment, I took her to Montague's - a lovely little restaurant that is one of my favorites. Then we visited a couple thrift shops and a dollar store and called it a day! I was starting to not feel so good - headache, body chills, etc.

Well, today I feel like I got slammed by a semi when I wasn't looking. My head throbbed, and I had to cancel our lunch plans with my girlfriends at the High School counseling center. Later on, as my headache subsided, we grabbed a quick bite to eat and then drove around looking for "foreclosure" signs - we saw only one in our zip code. By then, though, I was starting to get the chills...103.5 at it's highest.

I hate being sick.

I called Frontier and reported that I wouldn't be available for work tomorrow...I'll have three more duty days after that, so I hope my body kicks this bug in the arse so I can go back to work.

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