Monday, November 17, 2008

Happy Camper?!?!?

I am trying to be a "happy camper" but am finding it hard today. I love this job. But I do NOT love 2-hour short-calls (where I have to sign in within two hours of receiving a phone call from crew scheduling). I cruised along for a year with only one...but this afternoon, I got my SECOND ONE IN 44 HOURS!

Let me clarify. I live 91 miles door-to-crewroom. One hour and forty minutes. It takes me 10 minutes to tear off my clothes and don my uniform. That leaves me a window of 10 minutes for traffic...those of you who know me, know that I'm not one to cut it so close. I prefer a 30 minute window at a minimum...

Looking at the brighter side, I am flying with one of my classmates - EC! The other flight attendant - Lori, was on my 2-hour short-call trip to Milwaukee! We all get along well together, and hope that we'll all be released to our days off when we return to Denver tomorrow morning!

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