Friday, May 1, 2009

A Stand-up Stand-up!

After experiencing a so-so two-day trip, I had picked up a stand-up trip for Wednesday night to San Jose, CA. (A stand-up is a trip that has a very short layover and then turning around and going back early the next morning.) I picked up this trip earlier in the month to help cover my insurance expenses for the months that I take a COLA. But I had started to regret picking it up the closer that the trip came...after sitting at home or on the couch for most of the month, I had gotten flown five of the past six days and I was tired! But it was too late to drop the trip.

And what an awesome trip it was! The crew was so nice and friendly, I was the A flight attendant so I had lots of passenger interaction. It was good. Both of the flight attendants were great - one of them is #12 on the seniority list and she was just as nice as she could be. It turns out that the couple of flight attendants that I have issues with are also ones that she has issues with...that was refreshing to hear (it validates for me that I'm not imaging things). There was a definite "plan" for me to be on this trip to receive that validation.

After we returned to Denver, I ran into one of my flying buddies on the employee van to the parking lot, and she invited me to join her at a local was fun to just sit and talk for awhile before driving back home to COS.

Today is my last day on duty for a month - and crew scheduling just called. I get to do a turn to Milwaukee this afternoon! Woo hoo! I'll be back in Denver at around 8:30PM - just in time to drive my tired little self back to COS and my own little bed.

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