Saturday, May 23, 2009

Some NYC Photos

Here are several pictures that I took recently...the first batch is from Jen's softball game on Thursday, and the rest are of her new apartment. She's not finished yet - still has a couple pieces of furniture that will be coming soon, and she has pictures/posters to hang.

This was my view as I sat on the bleachers at the softball field in Central Park.

Seth is leading the "In the Heights" team in their warm up.

Jen and her fellow merchandise coworker, Rodrigo.

My little girl, the catcher.

Practicing before the game.

What great form!

Jen's apartment - still not completely finished...
but a lot better than when we were sleeping on the floor!

The dining area.

With my back to the window, looking towards the dining area.

With my back to Jen's bed, looking towards the kitchen and front door.

Jen's desk area.

The necessary room.

The kitchen (that's where she's going to cook...)

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