Thursday, February 21, 2008

Back to the Windy City!

Last night before I went to bed, I saw that a Chicago trip had been added to my schedule for this evening. I was fortunate enough to be able to reserve a rental car, and to arrange to meet my friend, Joan, for lunch at her office on Friday afternoon! Now all I need to do is Mapquest my trip from the hotel to her office!

This morning came awfully early...but the crew was more animated than any I'd ever seen so early in the morning! It turns out that the two flight attendants went to the restaurant in downtown Nashville right after we checked into the hotel. Then the CPT and FO met at 5PM (or a little before) to go - they thought that I had gone with the other FAs, so they did not wait for me. Just as well. Everyone was very apologetic this morning...

The CPT continued her tradition of writing notes to the frequent fliers, as well as giving them a piece of chocolate. We had a woman and her husband on board - they were coming to Denver for the woman's brother's funeral - 40 years old...lung cancer...never smoked a day in his life. The CPT wrote them a note, too.

When I opened the aircraft door in DEN, there was a supervisor waiting for seems I was "randomly" selected for a breathalizer and pee test! Go figure. I don't really believe it is random. I think it's either because of my medical leave (and they want to make sure I'm off all painkillers), or it's because someone tipped them off. Weird. I was the only one of the crew members who didn't drink last night! I blew a 0.00 and the pee test results will come in a few days. It kind of pisses me off (no pun intended), but I think I'll just let it go.

I am back home for a few hours - I wanted to get my coat and put some warmer clothes in my suitcase...just watch them send me to FL on Friday night!!!


Jen said...

why does the drug test piss you off?

Susan said...

It's not that the test pisses me off, it's the possibility that it was due to someone "tipping them off" that pisses me off. But the more I talk to co-workers, the more I am finding that in fact is was strictly random.