Sunday, February 17, 2008

There's No Place Like Home (Except When it Snows)

The PHX turn was a lot of fun - the other crewmembers had just gotten back from the end of an overnight in ATL (Atlanta), which was their 3rd night away from DEN. So they were all ready to go home!

I especially liked the flight attendants - Gloria and Judy. What great attitudes! They were happy, helpful to the passengers, friendly, and really into the "we're a team" thinking. They were also about my age. We talked about how important it is to always stay positive and keep away from the fact, one of them mentioned that she was tired of the new FAs just out of college who moan and groan in the crewroom about how they don't like their company, or they don't like the job, or whatever. She suggested that maybe a prerequisite of being a flight attendant should be that you should have held down a 9 to 5 office job for at least a year! That way you'll fully appreciate the easiness of this job, as well as the generous benefits given to us by Frontier!

We were a bit late leaving DEN and then a bit late flying back. Can you believe that we were #22 in line to take off when we were in PHX? The weather was fine - no storms - evidently, PHX is a real hotspot on President's Day weekend!!!

I'm off Sunday and Monday, and then I hope to be back in the air for the next five days...!

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