Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Back on the Couch Again

Ahhhhh. It is good to be back among the hustle/bustle of the far all I've had to do is pre-board a flight to Tuscon, and even then we didn't do that! The crew showed up right before the passengers started boarding!

I've caught up with a few classmates, done some reading, updated my flight manuals, reviewed my mail. Doesn't sound like much, but it's a lot of fun!

Tomorrow morning I am taking part in an advertising promotion for I may stay the night in Denver tonight to save myself the drive to/from COS. However, I have heard that lots of snow is expected here in DEN tonight...and wouldn't you know it, my car is in the shop! It seems that it needs a lot of maintenance type things - Happy Valentine's Day to me! There's nothing more warm and fuzzy than knowing your car won't break down on the highway!!! In the meantime, I'm driving Jen's car...It should be fun to see how it handles the snow!

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