Monday, February 9, 2009

Magic Words

Our van left the hotel at 5:30AM - that was just a bit too early! But...we had passengers wanting to start their week in Denver, so off we went!

The crew was very nice, and I wish I had been able to continue on with them to Sacramento for their 20 hour layover...but I have Tuesday and Wednesday off!

When we arrived in Denver at 7:45AM, I made "the call" to crew scheduling - "Hi. This is Susan Moore #12345 calling in from a trip." The scheduler asked if I could hold on...and a lot of times, that is not a good sign. But she came back on the line and said those magic words, "You are released to your days off!" Wow! I got almost a whole extra day!!!

And boy...did I need it. I've had two mornings where I'd gotten up at around 4AM (Denver time) so I was pooped. I was having a hard time staying awake as I was driving home this morning - I was listening to the soundtrack of the Broadway musical "The Frogs" to help keep me alert. It was wild! When I got home, I said "Hi!" to Greg and the boys, changed out of my uniform, and then pretty much passed out on the couch for a couple hours.

I have a Church potluck dinner to go to tonight, and then I'll come home and go straight to bed. That way, I'll be well rested for my days off. I have LOTS to do...taxes, taxes, homeowners' board stuff, taxes, bill paying, taxes and more taxes. You get the picture.

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