Sunday, February 22, 2009

Back to Reality

Yup...I came back.

All us girls went to the museum after the play let out. What museum, you ask? Don't ask. Let's just say that I learned about the birds and the bees and the zebras and the snakes and on and on. But it was fun!!!

We dropped my sisters off at Penn Station so that they could catch their respective trains back home, and Jen and I went to a BBQ restaurant for a quick bite to eat, then back to her place.

I left this morning and had uneventful flights back home. On the little plane back to Colorado Springs I went to the back galley to talk with the flight attendant and to see what neat little cubbyholes they have back there. Once we took off, it was a short 15 minute flight back home...when I stopped at the grocery store, there were kids running around in flip-flops and shorts. Hmmm. I guess it was warm outside!

In summary, my NYC trip was GREAT. I got to spend time with my little girl. I got lots of exercise trying to keep up with her (it's a wonder I didn't get left behind). I got to meet Jen's special guy. And I got to spend time with my sisters - an unexpected treat (in an unusual place).

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