Saturday, September 26, 2009


Can it really be? A total of 11 days has passed since my last duty day - I spent a total of six days off and five sick days fight this stupid swine flu, or whatever it really was. Sheesh. Once the fever broke, I spent a couple days absolutely exhausted and fell asleep at the drop of a hat! Incredible.

But some good things happened during these 11 days at home...I was able to nursemaid my hubby when he had his hand surgery this past Tuesday. He didn't really need me, but I wanted to be there for moral support and to show him that I love him. But the sick boy managed to convince the surgeon to let him stay awake and WATCH the surgery. OMG. How did I ever manage to get hooked up with this guy?

Anyway, he's been spending the past several days sitting at the kitchen island reading magazines - dental journals, R/C magazines and Smithsonian magazines. Read, read, read. I'm not used to having him around where I can see him. But he's going absolutely stir crazy. His cast comes off on Monday and unfortunately, I won't be able to be there...but I already know he'll be back in his workshop and on the computer before we know it!

Finally, on Friday I managed to stay awake the entire day! Woo hoo! So I did not call in sick for Saturday, Sunday and Monday. And what do you think happened? Crew Scheduling called, of course! At 8:30PM on Friday night, they called to assign me to a trip with a showtime of 0707. All they told me was it was a turn to SLC, an MCO overnight, a LAS overnight and then a MKE turn on Monday. Score! An MCO overnight?!? Unheard of!

It turns out that we were bringing our newest Airbus 320 to Orlando and the DirecTV factory to turn on the TV screens. We'll fly back tomorrow on a smaller plane after a new crew brings it in from DEN - that crew will get to be our passengers! Lucky!

Since we were working on the 320, we had four flight attendants, and I felt like the "odd man out" for sure. Also, my horrendous cough kind of kept others away from me, too! Oh well. We have a 21 hour layover here in MCO, but all I wanted to do when I got to the hotel room was find a microwave and heat up my food, eat it, and watch the final couple episodes of Season One of "Six Feet Under." Now that I've done that, I'm seriously thinking about going to sleep!

Tomorrow, if the weather is good (it is storming outside right now), I hope to sit outside at the pool and relax. Maybe take a few pictures. Or maybe stay in bed until we have to leave to go back to the airport at 3:30PM! Who knows? It's nice not having to do anything...

On that note...I think I will sign off for the night. My eyelids are getting heavy, and I'm realizing just how tired I really am. I definitely do not want to relapse, so I had better get my beauty sleep.

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