Saturday, September 12, 2009

Adam to the Rescue!

Today is the 8th anniversary of my nephew Adam's death (motorcycle accident). I spoke with his Dad (my brother Larry) and his Stepmom (Brenda) this morning, and they told me how they plan on honoring Adam's memory today.

Apparently, they have recently been visiting the local ASPCA to try and find a new dog for a patient who recently lost his. In the process, they found a new dog for themselves (no surprise there) and they found a rescue organization near Charlottesville, VA that will take two of the dogs that are on the ASPCA's "death row!" The only problem is, is that the rescue has no way to transport the dogs from the ASPCA to their facility in Charlottesville.

That's where Adam comes honor of how much he loved dogs, Larry and Brenda will be transporting the two dogs to their new life and home.I think Adam would be very pleased to be remembered in this way!

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