Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I'm Not Leaving on a Jet Plane...

In less than two hours, I will have completed four days of 24/7 duty. And what did I do during those four days? Not a whole heck of a lot.

On Saturday, the first day, I sat the B shift on the couch (Noon until 6PM). That's it. I never got called on Sunday, Monday or today. And trust me...I am not complaining. I actually got to go to Church on Sunday!! Granted, I clutched my phone (which was on vibrate) during the entire service, and I had all my bags packed and stowed in my car, and my uniform in a hanging bag, all ready to drive to Denver.

However, it is rather hard to do things around the house when you're on call. I don't want to work in the yard and work up a sweat because I wouldn't have enough time to shower, dress and get to the airport if they call. Same goes for taking a long walk or a bike ride...just can't be done when you're tied to your home base.

But I finally did focus on getting Greg's corporate taxes ready to take to the CPA, and I actually delivered the information to her this afternoon. What a great feeling of relief!

I have tomorrow off, and then I'm back on for four days. I have a feeling that I'll be sent out this time around...I have worked 16 hours so far this month, and I know lots of reserves have probably exceeded that amount by now.

Rumor has it that the furloughed flight attendants have been given notice that they will be invited back soon - that'd be awesome! Then all we need is to have a few new hire classes and I can climb right up that seniority list! Yahoo! I can hardly wait to know in advance where I'm going and how long I'll be gone! And to be able to drop, pickup and trade trips...that is going to be so awesome! I can definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel.

While sorting through tons and tons of paperwork today, I came across a couple old photos Greg, Jen and me! Enjoy!

Jen in Lucerne, Switzerland

Jen taking a walk in the Marktplatz outside our apartment building.

Jen in Colorado, sitting in the chair given to her
by my good friends, Rick and Paula.

Jen's Halloween costume - my jeans,
and her "western" clothes made a cute cowgirl!

The three of us visiting my brother at his former home on the Chesapeake Bay.
It was taken in my skinnier days...

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