Wednesday, April 22, 2009

This Sure Isn't Dayton!

Mom pointed out to me that I haven't updated my blog in awhile. Ooops. I left Dayton eight days ago!!! When I got back to Denver, I did get released to my days off, turning four days off into almost five!

I had big plans for the weekend - I had a girls' weekend planned at our cabin in Breckenridge...but it wasn't meant to be. I woke up at 3AM on Thursday, sick as a dog. Fortunately, it lasted just about 24 hours, but I was still pretty weak on Friday - the day we were to leave for the mountains. To top it all off, we were having somewhat of a blizzard...and I just didn't think I could mentally or physically get us safely to our destination.

I sat the couch on the 6AM shift on Monday. I wanted to do a little project and surreptitiously take pictures of the outfits that passengers wear when they travel, but I decided that I had better not - I didn't want to get in trouble! So instead, I did a little bit of everything while on the couch.

Since then, I have been at home playing the waiting game. There was a Costa Rica trip that showed up on the board this evening, but I didn't get it - which is probably a good thing. My passport expires in four days, so I've had to take myself off international duty until my passport comes back as renewed.

I am on reserve duty through midnight on Saturday, but I hope to be able to bid for Saturday off. A dear, dear neighbor friend of ours passed away in early March, and his memorial service is being held on Saturday afternoon. I really want to be there - we all loved Mr. Bud so much, and we've missed him ever since he moved away. He was a sweet man.

If I'm not assigned to a trip, I'm sure that I'll be able to go - I can request a couple hours off on Saturday. But if I'm already on a trip, I'm afraid that I will miss it. But Mr. Bud knows. He knows that I would have been there if I could've been.

So I guess I'd better head off to bed - you never know when that phone might ring...and I need to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed if it does!

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