Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Lucky Red, Red Robin was Bob-Bob-Bobbing!

This morning as I was getting the newspaper, an adorable chubby red robin was actually bob-bob-bobbing right in front of me! He was so cute, and of course, I've been singing his song all morning.

And he brought me luck! I got called for a 3-day trip...unheard of. It's been very slow "at the office" and to get a multi-day trip is a real SCORE! Especially this one - I have a show time of 2PM at DIA and will do a quick turn to San Antonio, TX. Then afterwards, we'll go to Orange County, CA for the night - nice! We'll leave there around 2PM on Friday and go back to Denver. Next, we'll do an overnight in Indianapolis, IN - another nice layover! We'll leave there at around 3PM on Saturday, fly back to Denver and then do a San Francisco victory lap before getting into Denver at around 11:30PM. Whew.

I'll be in the B position, which is in the back of the plane, and I'll make all the announcements - it's also a position that keeps busy! Yippee! The only thing I don't like is that there isn't as much interaction with the passengers...but I'll just have to get my butt out of the galley and mingle, mingle, mingle!

This is a GREAT trip, and I am so glad that it was awarded to me, except for one thing...I'm gonna miss Mr. Bud's memorial service on Saturday. That breaks my heart. But he knows how much he meant to me and my family...and I've told his family many stories, so they know, too. Besides, I'll be closer to him up in the skies!

Watch this blog...I actually may have a few stories to share with you from this trip!

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