Sunday, July 27, 2008

Doggie Update

Hi! This is Kikko speaking...I thought I'd let you know how my new brother is fitting into our family. Here are a few pictures:

He likes to sit on the hearth...

He steals all my toys and hides them under the dining room table (I'm not too crazy about this behavior)...

He likes to climb on top of things - like the outdoor table...

And he likes to watch TV (he's watching a cricket game on "The Wedding Date").
Mom and Dad are pretty attached to him, and I guess I am too. Every morning when we first go outside he runs over to me and pushes me to try and get me to chase him. But I have a reputation to uphold...though I eventually do give in. Boy, is he fast! And we have so many rocks and bushes in the backyard - it's amazing how he just leaps over them. But I always catch him...cause I'm the alpha male when Dad's not around!

1 comment:

Jen said...

that's so funny!
see it's good to have your camera glued to your side!