Sunday, June 29, 2008


As if being furloughed wasn't enough, I had an unfortuate incident on Friday with:
The Dog
The Newly Washed Kitchen Floor
My Slippers
The Lawn Service
As I lay on the floor after experiencing all of the above, I realized that I now know how it feels to fall when you are old...

I will let you use your imaginations as to how the scene unfolded, but the end result was a sore right wrist. So sore that I ended up at the doctor's office yesterday. One temporary splint and five x-rays later, I am resting comfortably. No word yet as to whether it is a fracture or a sprain...but my vote is going to a sprain.

I am back on duty on Tuesday, July 1 and I know for sure that they are not going to like my splint...stay tuned for the next exciting episode!

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