Monday, December 3, 2007

Speed Demon

I had a very relaxing day in Ft. Myers - I read books, surfed the Internet, hung out by the pool, ate at a BBQ place, got propositioned by a guy in a maroon pickup truck, marveled at Christmas stuff for sale right next to swimming pool noodles and goggles in a CVS pharmacy...all around fun!

It was a great flight back to Denver with lots of very fun passengers. I spoke German with one gentleman, another older gentleman flirted with me as his wife of 22 years tried to get him to behave himself, and I had fun talking with the group that was sitting in row 1 - one of whom is a former FAA employee. She still has connections at the FAA, so I made sure I followed all the rules and regs!

I got home late last night, and was greeted by an enthusiastic Kikko! Then this morning I slept in until 8AM, and sat around thinking that I should shower and get dressed, just in case I get "the call." Well, I was still sitting around doing nothing at 10:45AM when my cell phone rang. "Unknown" usually means that crew scheduling is calling...yup. I got my first "short call" this morning. They wanted me to report to the crewroom at DIA by 1PM. OMG!!! I was still in my jammies! So I jumped in the shower, threw on some clothes, and rushed out the door. I got to the crewroom by 12:45PM...15 minutes early. Whew.

Let's just say that once bad weather sets in, if I am on reserve I will most likely hang out in Denver on my reserve days so that if I get "the call" I don't risk killing myself trying to get here!

It turns out that the reason I got called in was that a girl already on the couch just got assigned to a 5-day trip! I have only tomorrow left on duty, so if they don't assign me a trip today I doubt I will go anywhere.

I should count my blessings, of my classmates got "the call" at 4:30AM and had to be here at 6:30AM! She had a quick turn to Los Angeles, and is already back and off for the rest of the day. But she is EXHAUSTED. Legally, I was off duty until 7:10AM so I lucked out!


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