Saturday, October 6, 2007

Scary Week Three

After having learned how to do our jobs in a "perfect world," we've spent the past week discussing a lot of those "what ifs..." (which we'll continue next week, too). We've seen videos, pictures, first-person accounts, etc. of what happened and how they survived. Definitely not an up week. Our last speaker yesterday was from the company accident recovery department - she spoke about all the things our company will do for our families after there's been an accident. Lovely. She was speaking at 4PM on a Friday...we all stared at her like we were zombies. I'm not quite sure if what she was saying sunk in to everyone.

But once she left, we got our first paychecks!!! Yippee! There's not much left after all the deductions for medical insurance, life insurance, long-term disability, short-term disability, etc. but what the heck! I'm not doing this for the money...I'm doing it for the adventure!

Speaking of adventure, I came home last night and will leave early this afternoon because I have an evening flight to San Francisco! Once we land, we'll be on the ground for 40 minutes and then turn around and come back to Denver. We'll get back around midnight, so I'll just stay at my crash pad in Denver tonight. I'll spend tomorrow at the Tall Girl Store in downtown Denver and at the general office practicing my evacuation drills - we have a piece of a real plane to practice on - a main cabin door, four rows of three seats each, an overwing exit and an aft galley (how do you like my airline correct lingo?). I have to practice screaming my commands while opening doors, leading people out, etc. Practice makes perfect!

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