Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cougar vs. Puma

We had an awesome time in Costa Rica!

Our flight arrived at around 5AM - most of the passengers slept the entire way...so it was a pretty easy flight, and the other flight attendants helped to make the time go by rather quickly. When we arrive, I took "a nap" until about noon, then ventured outside to visit the grocery store next door. During my first visit to CR in January of 2008, I discovered a "salsa" called Lizano - it's delicious on potatoes, steak, and maybe rice & beans. I bought several bottles on that first trip, and when I ran out, I bought several bottles online at a much higher cost! So I was delighted to be able to "stock up" again.

The grocery store is located next door to the hotel - it's always fun to look around and see familiar products with "different" packaging...after buying my salsa, I headed across the street from the hotel to pick up some lunch at "Subway" - it was fun ordering in Spanish, but not-so-fun knowing that there was a security guard outside the door. In fact, most all the businesses and parking lots around the hotel had security guards. Not an environment that encourages walking around!

I brought my lunch back to the hotel, put on my suit and new cover-up (which I bought in Ft. Lauderdale), and sat poolside for a few hours. Very nice. The hotel was full of kids - some sort of soccer tournament as well as a large group of high school violinists. But by this time, they'd all gone to their games/concerts, so it was nice and quiet at the pool. I saw the FO in the computer room before I headed out to the pool, and one of the other flight attendants, Sandy, came out to the pool after I'd been there for a couple hours.

It clouded over, so I headed back to the room and started to update my Flight Attendant Manual...not the most exciting thing, and I ended up falling asleep and taking another nap! But I woke up in time to go to the "Happy Hour" at the hotel bar - from 5PM until 6PM they give out free beer and a few other type drinks - as usual, I could not keep up with the FO and Sandy...in fact, I didn't even try! A guy named Dave came over to our table and started to hit on me and Sandy - he was with his friend Jack, who was sitting at a nearby table with an aging "hooker" (or at least that's what we thought) - she was about 10 years older than me, had on a really short skirt, high heels and a low cut blouse with big boobs. OMG. But Dave came over to us because he was tired of looking at her boobs, but not being able to understand her!

Afterwards, we headed to a restaurant next door to the grocery store. As we left the hotel, Dave went up to Sandy (who is also tall) and told her "I've always wanted to be with a tall woman..." Puleeze! Couldn't he come up with a more original line?

At the restaurant, I ordered paella - a seafood/rice mixture (it was so delicious!!!) and the FO and Sandy and I continued our conversation. I looked up, and there was Dave and Jack walking into the restaurant to join us. Hmmmm. Dave's story started changing from what he originally had said - but both he and Jack are Vietnam Vets who meet other Vets once or twice a year somewhere in the world. Both of them live in Ft. Lauderdale - Jack is an entertainer and Dave supposedly owns a flight training school.

The conversation was very animated. That's where the title of this blog comes into play - we discussed how old men can pick up young girls, but not be given a name. But an older woman picks up a younger man and she's called a cougar! Then I learned that a married older woman who picks up (or stalks) a younger man is called a puma! Stealthy, sleek and quiet. Hahaha! Sandy was single, but she's engaged, so at first, we called her a puma-in-training. Then we decided that since she has silver hair, she should be called a silver fox!

We had an enjoyable dinner, that is, until I came across a little leg several inches long in my meal...and it had suckers on it - octopus! Yech. So I buried it under the rice and continued to eat the other items! By this time, it was around 7:30PM, and we decided we'd better call it a night since we had an early van the next morning...as we left the restaurant, we ran into the CPT and the other flight attendant, Kelly - they had gone ATVing to a waterfall! What fun!!! I wish that they had told the rest of us about that, cause we would've all gone. Oh well...next time!

The flight home was looooooooong. Over five hours. But that's the way it goes. I don't remember much after I got home - cause I fell asleep on the couch at home on/off for a couple hours. I looked at the computer every once in awhile to take a peek at my schedule - and finally at around 8PM I saw that I was given a turn to DCA for Tuesday. Oh oh. I ended up repacking a little bit and then hitting the hay! No rest for the weary, huh?

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