Saturday, March 27, 2010

Mindless Wonderings

I've not got much to say today. I'm at home, in a nice warm house. My hubby and dogs are in Breckenridge in our nice warm cabin. Well...actually, the hubby is skiing on the slopes of Keystone right now, so he's probably a bit cold.

Anyway, I don't have much to say - I'm waiting for crew scheduling to assign me to a trip. Today is day 2 of 6, so I know I'm going somewhere sometime. But who knows when. In the meantime, I have some random thoughts I'd like to share...

1. Why were my toenail clippers confiscated by TSA at the Phoenix Airport on Wednesday morning? Granted, they had a couple slide-out attachments - one looked like a bottle opener, and the other was a blade...but I am almost 100% certain that it was a dull blade, meant to clean out the gunk under your toenails. But was a lethal weapon that was taken from me after a young kid searched through my toiletry bag, my make-up bag, and my miscellaneous personal items bag. It was thoroughly embarrassing. I requested a supervisor and she said just because I'd "gotten away" with carrying these for the past 2 1/2 years doesn't make it legal. I guess I'll now use my toenails to overtake an unsuspecting flight deck crew when they least expect it. Oh...and one other question...if my toenail clippers are so dangerous, why are knitting needles allowed on planes? Betcha can't answer that one!

2. Why is it that when I pass a vehicle on the highway, that the vehicle speeds up to my speed, thus forcing me to increase my speed so that I can pass them and return to the right lane? Is it a macho thing that guys have about not wanting women to be faster than them?

3. Why is it, that every single time I go into any of the lavatories on the aircraft, that there are paper towels partway pushed into the trash? Is there some reason that they aren't pushed all the way into the trash bin? Will you get all kinds of germs on your hands if you actually touch the lid of the trash bin so that the paper towel goes all the way into the bin before the lid swings shut?

4. Why is it that people ignore someone greeting them as they enter an aircraft? I am now to the point where if I'm the A flight attendant (in the front), I will tap them on the shoulder if they do not respond to the greeting. I especially enjoy doing this to teenagers (and their parents enjoy it, too).

5. Why are those pants worn so low? Does the person really think that I care whether they're wearing boxers or briefs? Do they think they look sexy as they shuffle along as their pants go lower and lower as they walk? And why do they get upset when I tell them to pull their pants up before they sit on my airplane seat? Honestly...what would their grandma think about them showing their undies in public?

6. When will the Colorado State Patrol start enforcing the "Slower Traffic Must Use the Right Lane" state law? Lately, I've noticed several more signs with this message - does this mean that a "crackdown" is nearing? And why is it that people feel entitled to stay in the left lane ALL the time? I am religious about moving over to the right lane after I've passed - when I lived in Germany and drove 95mph in a Subaru Justy on the autobahns, I was rarely in the left lane. Mainly because you could end up with a Porsche or BMW ramming into your tailpipe at 120mph if you didn't get out of that lane! Maybe we should hire some Germans to come out here and use those same techniques to teach Americans how to abide by the law.

Well...I guess that's it for now. I have tons of things that I SHOULD be doing as I wait for crew scheduling to call me and give me a couch assignment, a trip to someplace exotic, or a turn to/from a location in Florida where we'll need 20 wheelchairs upon arrival. So, until next time...

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