Saturday, March 20, 2010

Springtime in the Rockies

As I expected, I got released from duty when I returned from DFW. However, it was snowing in Castle Rock...and pretty much all the way to Colorado Springs. I have decided, though, that not many people know how to drive in snow/ice.

To those who were going 25 mph in the left lane and were too afraid to pass the car in the right lane - GET OFF THE ROAD! If you're that scared, please move to the right lane, pull off on the first exit, and find a nice warm place to hang out until the roads have been cleared!

To those who are driving below the speed limit, are in good control of your vehicle, but then slow down considerably when they reach a hill - DON'T DO THAT! You need that momentum to keep your speed to get up that hill. Don't you feel the back end of your car skidding a bit as you try to get to the top of that pass?

To the speedster who likes to ride my bumper - GET OFF MY ASS! I won't be slamming on my brakes, cause that's when you lose it and spin out. But, I will slow myself down in any way possible if I need to, and if you run into the back of me, then I'm going to sue the pants off you, and I'll become a very rich woman.

Please, please, please follow the rules of the road. And right now, the law states that you should be in the left lane ONLY when you're actually passing another vehicle. Otherwise, you're just clogging up the roads. This is especially important when the roads are snowy/icy.

Fortunately, I was able to squirrel my way in and around the traffic, got away from the clumps of cars and into the open spaces, and I got home safely. :)

After sleeping in until 7:30AM, I've been procrastinating at home - I actually did go out to fill up my car with gas (I like to be prepared) and buy bananas and bread for my hubby. I am such a good wife.

There were only a few trips on the Aggressive Reserve board for tomorrow - one 4 day trip, a couple 3 day trips, a couple 2 day trips, a day off, and the usual ready reserve couch sits. I have 3 days on duty starting tomorrow, but I didn't bid on anything. And guess what I got assigned? The 6AM ready reserve couch sit on that sexy black leather couch! I really don't mind, cause it means that my drive to DEN will be a breeze! No traffic, the roads are all clear now, and once I get to DEN, I'll be able to continue my night's sleep!

So it'll be early to bed, early to rise for this flygirl!

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