Saturday, October 10, 2009

An Unhappy Surprise...

Before I get to the topic relating to today's title, I have to say that I STILL haven't seen Tucson in the daylight! We left too early this morning. The passengers were bleary-eyed and sleepy, Rhonda toned down her act a bit to accomodate the different "vibe" we felt in the cabin, and we got back to Denver where we delivered those passengers to their connecting flights.

Fourteen of them stayed with us and continued on to Minneapolis. On this flight, everyone was a bit more awake, so we got back into some silliness. That's always fun! And the time went by so quickly - before I knew it, we had to clean everything up and land! Once on the ground, we had to wait FOREVER for the hotel van - 29 minutes after the CPT first called, the van appeared.

Once we got to the hotel, I rushed upstairs to my room, changed my clothes, and ran back downstairs to join a group of people heading to the Mall of America. I'm not really very fond of that place. It is entirely too large, too many of the stores are duplicates (one on each of the three floors), and it was so very crowded. But I had a purpose - I was going to The Tall Girl Store to see what they had on their summer clearance racks.

As I approached the store, I was shocked. "Store Closing - Everything on Sale" signs were everywhere. What?!?!?!? When I went in, I spoke with a saleslady and she told me that ALL Tall Girl Stores in the U.S.A. were going out of business. Their company (Canadian) was bought by a British company who kept the Canadian stores but is closing ALL the U.S. stores. OMG. Where the heck am I going to shop and actually find clothes that fit?!?! This is so sad.

I found only a few things to purchase, and then decided to head back to the hotel and mope. While I was waiting outside the mall in 35 degree windy weather under a shelter with overhead heaters, I watched a bunch of mall cops arrest two shoplifters - they had "allegedly" stolen things from a Footlocker store (the referee shaking the hand of a cop kind of gave it away). The guy got his stuff back and the two "alleged" shoplifters got a ride in a nice warm cop car to the local station.

When I got back to the hotel, I rode in the elevator with a very nicely dressed couple. I commented on how nice they looked, and they said that their son had just gotten married! I had seen that a table had been set up in the lobby for the placecards for their guests, and I had planned on making one for me so that I could join in on the celebration. But seeing as how my clothes shopping world had been destroyed, I decided to go to Denney's instead and treat myself to my favorite meal - breakfast for dinner. How sad is that?

When I got back after dinner, the bride, groom and bridal party had arrived. Had I been able to purchase a pretty dress at The Tall Girl Shop, I might have been able to get away with grabbing a piece of wedding cake and maybe doing the "Electric Slide" on the dance floor. But since all I had were my jeans and tennis shoes, I retired to my room to take a nap before I went to bed.

It's now almost 10PM here, and I have to catch my van back to the airport at 5AM. I guess I'd better get my buns in bed. But alas, I have no wedding cake to put under my pillow to ensure that I have sweet dreams...

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