Friday, October 16, 2009

Here we go again...

I had Tuesday and Wednesday off. I don't remember much of what I did, except for reuniting with a friend that I hadn't talked to for about 18 months or so. It was good to see her again - I had missed her.

On Thursday, I had recurrent training at the General Office. It went well - it's always good to be reminded of things that you should be doing...and afterwards, I went to our company's Emergence Party. What did we emerge from? Bankruptcy! So about 6 or 8 of our creditors threw us a party! We are one amazing animal. We are the only airline that has emerged from bankruptcy in the recent past! The party was well attended by over a 1000 people. It was held in an airplane hangar on Lowry AFB which is now an airplane museum. Greg even came up for the event! It was an awesome event. I'll post some pictures when I'm not so tired...

And...of course, I got called last night by crew scheduling and told that I was going on a DCA turn today. And when I got back, I found out that I'm going to Tucson tonight and Minneapolis tomorrow night. Didn't I just do this trip?!?

My DCA turn went well - we were on the Airbus 320, so there were four flight attendants. We were on Mustang Sally, aircraft 203...and the aft flight attendants were helpless. Their coffeemaker is screwy, and has no place to put the coffee filter, so it has to be placed inside the pot during the brewing process. The B flight attendant didn't want to do that, so she had me make coffee for the entire plane. That would have been fine, but I had horrible luck with one of my machines - I would turn it on, it would act like it was brewing coffee, and then it'd turn off. But the pot would be empty. Argghhhh. And then, of course, I had all four pots filled with regular coffee and then someone would request decaf. Argghhhh.

I survived. I'm now on the couch in the crewroom seriously thinking about taking a quick nap before heading to my next flight...I am really excited about going to Tucson again - it was so beautiful! But I really would like to be staying longer, and maybe being there during daytime.

My CPT just came around looking for now it's time to go!

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