Tuesday, November 3, 2009

25th Wedding Anniversary

How do you top the fabulous trip that Kelly, Fadia and I had in Tucson?!? Well...Kelly got assigned to an Orlando turn and then was released to her days off. Fadia got assigned to a Cancun turn, but still has a few duty days on. And I got assigned to a Milwaukee overnight. Fortuantely, I had another great crew - Ellen and Jen - that kept me highly amused during our flights to/from Milwaukee! I spent a couple hours at the Brookfield Mall next door to the hotel, and then I went to bed EARLY since our van to the airport was picking us up at 4:30AM.

I heard those magical words when I returned to Denver, "You are released to your days off!" Glorious, magical, sweet words. I drove home and was walking in my door by 9:30AM. Nice.

The only trouble I have is that on my first day off, I'm kind of in a "dead zone." I walk around the house in a stupor, trying to reacquaint myself with my to-do files, my computer, the shower and the laundryroom. And then, of course, there's the required nap. But I didn't get one yesterday! My loving hubby put me to work!!! Can you believe it?!?! Our garage freezer went on the fritz, and we had to "uncover" it so that a repairman could see if it was salvageable. That leads me to a story...

There were about 6 file boxes of "stuff" that I've had in the garage for approximately 10-15 years, and Greg has been trying to get me to do something with those boxes. Throw them away, sort through them, whatever - just get them out of the garage. So how did I spend my day? Sorting. I took those boxes and sorted them down to one file box and threw the rest of the stuff away. The dates on documents were from 1995 through 2000. Oops.

So Greg finally got those boxes out of the garage, the freezer was fixed (sort of - it's making a really weird noise and is probably on its last leg), and I did not get my nap. Instead, I finished payroll. I got a few things at the grocery store. Made California Pizza Kitchen pizza for dinner (I know...I'm Martha Stewart, aren't I?), watched a couple episodes of "Six Feet Under" (I'm now on Season 3) and went to BED.

I woke up this morning to a gloriously sunny day...it's our 25th Wedding Anniversary! I remember that day from 25 years ago vividly. What a fun day. Lots has happened since then. Lots of time has gone by. We're still together. We've each grown up (well...at least one of us has...the other one is still playing with toys). But we're still in love.

We're going to dinner at the Edelweiss Restaurant tonight - the little German restaurant that Greg and I went to to celebrate our 1st Anniversary so many years ago. And we'll have another celebration later this month when we travel to Vegas to celebrate Jen's 21st birthday with her and a couple of her friends.

So I'm going to enjoy my day by doing laundry, running errands - the usual things I do on my days off, and I'll look forward to a nice evening of veal weiner schnitzel!!!

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