Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Back in the US of A

I got back to town on Monday afternoon, had a crazy nutso drive home (I just LOVE people who drive below the speed limit in the left lane), and managed to get home in time to stop by the Grace Church 80906 Potluck Dinner! I swung by the house first, picked up Greg, and we actually got to walk into our friends' home together. Wonders never cease. We had a really nice time catching up with everyone.

Yesterday was the first of three days off for me. The first thing that I did was schedule an appointment at my doctor's office. I have had a horrendous cough ever since I had the "swine flu" seven weeks ago. And lately, the cough has been literally scaring the passengers! They cringe and try to back away from me! I'm coughing into my elbow as instructed by the Health Department, but they're still freaking out. The doctor said that I have a sinus infection, so he put me on some antibiotics and I should be as good as new before I know it!

I've spent most of today working on Greg's JPO membership roster - I need to bring everything up-to-date, because the group has found another unsuspecting wife to take over my job. I am very excited!!! That's the second volunteer job that I have gotten out of in the past couple months. SCORE!

My dream is to be able to come home between trips and RELAX. I don't mind doing laundry or puttering around in the yard/garden, and even doing a little bit of bookkeeping work for Greg's office is okay. But I was growing increasingly frustrated with all the demands on my time! So, I put in a very full day today wrapping things up, writing up checklists, and getting ready to turn all this stuff over to the next victim. I've done it for two and a half years now - it was time for a change!

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