Sunday, July 5, 2009

Ya Win Some...Ya Lose Some!

Before we left OKC, we each got a call that we were no longer doing a Las Vegas turn. Instead, we were all assigned to a Seattle turn...the good thing is, that we'd be paid more at a Holiday Pay rate! Woo hoo!

But, the plane we were supposed to take was delayed by bad weather (a daily afternoon occurence in Denver it seems), and we didn't take off until around 8PM or so, and didn't make it back to Denver until 1:15AM. It was a long day.

It was made even longer by one of my co-workers who decided that I needed some "counseling" when we arrived in Seattle. It turns out she had been compiling a laundry list of things I had done and said to her during the trip and she let me have it with both barrels. When she finished, I was a bit shell-shocked. Was I really an unhappy, harsh, stiff, critical, nasty, boring rule-following, sexist, nail-biting, age-discriminator? Wow. I thought I knew myself better than that...

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