Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Revolving Door

Let's see...where did I leave off? After flying the couch on Saturday, I was awarded a 20 hour overnight to Houston on Sunday. I was hoping to look up one of my buddies, Father Desmond, but he was away in London!

Instead, I went to the fitness center at the hotel and worked out for a while, then took a walk around the hotel grounds. There was a mall about 1.5 miles away, but it was just too hot/humid to go there. I caught up on my email, my reading, and my napping!!!

I went back on duty today and got assigned to the couch from Noon until 6PM. When I checked in, they assigned me a preboard - but then called a little while later to cancel that. Then they called me to preboard another flight, where one of the FAs was running late, but he showed up before we boarded the plane.

So here I sit...reading my Flight Attendant Manual, brushing up on all the stuff that I learned 6 months ago. I have two more days on call, but I did not bid on any jobs - Greg is planning on flying to DCA tomorrow, so I wanted to stay close to home for Kikko's sake. Poor little guy. Our house has a revolving door and he's never sure who's coming or going!


Jen said...

and thats why he should live here with me.

Susan said...

Dream on...