Friday, April 11, 2008


Woke up to some not-so-good news this morning...Frontier has filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection.

I think most of us had no idea that this was coming, though an off-duty flight attendant mentioned something to me on our flight down here on Wednesday...but I don't think he had the entire story.

There was a letter from the CEO on our website this morning explaining our situation. It appears that there is not too much for us to worry about at this point - this filing was done because our largest credit card processor was going to "change the rules" and start withholding cash. So the company did what it had to do to stay in business.

Greg and I are in Orlando, FL right now at the Caribe Resort Suites Hotel - he has a dental conference on CAD/CAM Dentistry and I have a date with a lounge chair in the shade by the pool! Our friends John, Jeanette and their son Hamilton joined us yesterday and will be leaving this afternoon - it's been a lot of fun visiting, swimming, sunning, shading, and relaxing!

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