After spending a few days in bed, I finally got on top of the germs that were bugging me (no pun intended) and conquered them! I was off on New Year's Day and was able to take Jen to the Colorado Springs airport for her flight back to NYC. She was ready to go back. And I realized that I was ready to go back to work.
I got to "fly the couch" from noon until 6pm on Wednesday, and saw many of my classmates. I even saw Joe, the only person I hadn't yet run into. I aggressively bid for a trip and was awarded the Jacksonville, FL redeye for Thursday night! Though after I won it, I found out that the south has a cold snap! Bummer! It had been in the low 60s in Colorado, and now I was going to Florida where it was supposed to be in the 40s! What a crazy, crazy world.
On Thursday I ran a bunch of my errands, finished up a couple projects, took a short nap or two, and then made my way to the airport by 11pm. The flight left at midnight, and was pretty much full. The fun thing is that I got to fly with two of my classmates - Kelly and Taryn!
I was the flight attendant for the main part of the cabin, and had a good time passing out pillows, blankets and headsets. After the first beverage service and the warm cookie service, most everyone went to sleep, with a few exceptions. I experienced a first - the guy in 12E was one of the only ones still awake with his light on...cause he was reading a hardcore porno magazine! As I walked down the aisle, I had to do a doubletake to believe what I was seeing. Let's just say he wasn't reading the mag for it's articles...there were very few, if any, words on the page. I still can't believe that he did that. To each his own. After that, the flight really did seem to go quickly.
At the hotel, I turned my light off to go to sleep at 6am, and before you knew it, I was waking up at 2pm! How did that happen? I made some oatmeal, ate a banana, took a quick shower and then hit the road. I walked south down Hendricks to the little town of San Marco, stopping at FiFi's consignment store along the way. I browsed in several shops, had a cup of soup and a salad at Panera Bread, and then walked back to the hotel and sat along the Riverwalk while the sun set.
I guess I'm a bit pooped after having been sick for so long - that, and the fact that the bed I'm in is HEAVENLY! I'm looking forward to going to sleep again tonight, which I'll be doing soon since we have to be in the hotel lobby at 4:30am tomorrow for our flight back to Denver.
We'll arrive around 8AM, and I'll be on call until midnight. If I'm lucky, they'll release me to my days off - Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. If I'm not as lucky, they'll have me fly the couch or even do a turn. The last time I came in that early they sent me to Mexico and back...whatever will be will be!