Friday, September 21, 2007

Thank God it's Friday...

I am back in Colorado Springs for 48 hours, and I beat! This constant studying is wearing me out (and increasing my brain power)!

I have sad news to report...I am no longer PERFECT. Darn. Just like the first scratch on a new car, I have missed my first test question. The horror of it all.. this morning's test was 80 questions, and I got 79 right. That wouldn't have been so bad, but the one I missed was so silly and stupid of me to make such a mistake. Oh well. Life goes on.

Yesterday, we got to jump down the evacuation slide - I did it, but it wasn't my most favorite thing to do...we also got to tour all parts of an Airbus 319 - it was so cool!

I'm losing off to bed I go. I'll write more later, along with doing the laundry, unpacking and repacking my stuff!

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