Friday, September 14, 2007

I Am Officially An Airline Employee!

Today was the first day of my employment as an airline employee! We had a half-day today reveiwing all the materials on which we'll be tested on Monday (we have four written tests and one oral test at 8am - or should I say 0800?).

You should see me driving up and down I-25...I'm cruising along at 80 mph - not singing out loud - but TALKING out loud. I have been concentrating too hard on what I'm memorizing to pay attention to the reaction of those passing me. But by doing this, I managed to memorize a page-and-a-half announcement yesterday! I guess the old brain really does work. But I still have a lot more memorizing ahead of me! I have the next two days to study, study, study! I CAN DO THIS!

After 18 years of being a stay-at-home Mom, my wardrobe is sadly lacking. When they discussed our class dress code, everything they listed as verboten was what I had in my closet! Tank tops, sandals, flip flops, shorts, jeans, sneakers, t-shirts, sweatshirts, capris, etc. Oh boy. I have a few new pieces I've purchased and I will need to get creative over the next 30 days to abide by the Business Professional dress code...

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