Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Think Positive (even if it kills ya...)

I finished my 4-day trip this morning, and I did not hear those glorious words, "You are released to your days off." Instead, I heard, "Don't hate me, but we're putting you on the couch until noon."

That wasn't what I wanted to hear, but it was A LOT better than hearing that I'd been assigned to a LaGuardia or DC turn! So I joined the other three couchsitters (even though I saw only two of them), pulled out my computer, and I've been hanging out on the couch ever since.

My overall feeling is that we need to compromise. I just heard that we're keeping the purple in our uniform...YAY! I was afraid we were losing it, and I didn't want to - it gave our uniform a nice look. So that was my positive today.

As I've said in the past, I'm not a union kind of gal, but since one's been voted in, I guess we have to make the best of it. I want to be sure that all the things that are important to us are included in our first union contract...but I really don't want to be a union member...what a dilemma.

I know there are those people who are thinking that the union is going to bring us "hope and change." I hope it's better than the "hope and change" that we got a year or so husband's business has slowed tremendously, but our bills haven't. Hope and change, my foot. :)

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