Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Good 'til the Last Drop!

I feel like a coffee commercial. Being squeezed and squeezed until the last drop comes out of me. I have nothing left.

But I have been awesome. Smiling, thanking or welcoming aboard - the job gets done no matter how exhausted I am!

Today, I was woken up by a phone call at 6:30AM giving me a 2 hour short call for an LAX turn. Fairly uneventful, except for the return trip - I almost had to have two girls pulled off the was asking guys to sit on her lap, and take her banana. Nothing major, but it was all so sleazy. I suspected that she might be drunk, but she was okay and she calmed down after the gate agent spoke with her.

When we got back to DEN I turned on my phone and there was a message telling me that I had a MKE turn on my schedule. And lo and behold, I turn my phone on after arriving at DIA from LAX, and there's a message assigning me to a MKE turn. OMG.

And then when I call in to be released, I get assigned to a two-day trip that has a showtime of 8:55AM. BUMMER. I was so exhausted that I don't have the energy to drive home - so I'm staying with my friend Bev's parents. And speaking of which, I had better go to bed, because I'm exhausted and I don't know if what I'm writing is making any sense...

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