Here are a couple pictures of Kikko and Kodi in the "yard" at the cabin. I bought temporary fencing last summer and set up a nice area so that we didn't have to worry about leashes getting tangled, unwanted dogs coming over to visit, etc. We take it down and store it in our shed when we aren't there - the boys love it. They'd love it even more if we had a doggie door in our screen door there!
Well, I guess I'll go get ready for bed and wait for Jen's's so quiet here without her. I am officially "back at work" in 1-1/2 hours, and I have three days off until my first duty day on Sunday 8/31...hmm. Maybe I should use these three days to fly to NYC to see Jen!
Speaking of work...I am now #21 from the bottom of the seniority list of 914 flight attendants. My two lunch buddies from my training class have both moved on to bigger and better things. I'm happy for them, but bummed for me. Rumor has it that another furlough is in the works for October 1 and/or November 1...I suppose if I get another nasty WARN letter in the next couple of days, I'll know the answer. The bright side is that if I do get furloughed, I'll be able to travel on my benefits for 90 days...
Would anyone like to take a guess as to where I'll be going?
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