Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lazy Days

Four days off in a row! What luxury. I had hoped to do lots of yard work...but that didn't happen because the weather decided to not cooperate. We've had rain, wind, snow, hail, tornados, and more wind.

I managed to keep busy anyway - I had lots of appointments crammed into three of the days - probably a good thing that the weather was bad. Tonight, we have a wedding reception to attend! That'll be a nice end to my days off. I'll try and get assigned to the later couch shifts tomorrow so that I don't have to get up so early.

I have spent lots of time on the computer in the past couple of days trying to rearrange my May schedule. I am currently about 41 from the bottom and got about half of the days off that I requested. Of course, the days I didn't get are weekend days - and one of the days is Mother's Day! Everyone I asked to trade said no, and just as I was giving up hope, someone traded that day with me! A co-worker just broke her foot and will be going on medical leave for the next two months or so - she offered to trade the day with me before they yanked her schedule...and it worked!

Now I'm working on getting one more day off - what's the big occasion? I'm going to try and non-rev to North Carolina to attend my niece's college graduation - Greg's already got the days marked off, and we've got the dogsitter all lined up. And right now, *knocks on wood* the flights look pretty good!

I've also got a block of weekdays off later in the month for when Jen comes home - we're going to visit several wedding venues here in Colorado Springs. It sure will be nice when I get a line, because instead of just 11 days off, I'll have maybe 11 days of duty with 20 days off! A girl can dream, huh?

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