Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Full Moon

Last night, there was a full moon. I probably don't need to say anymore. But I will.

1. Crazy lady who was unprepared for taking three little girls on a flight. She kept the youngest (less than 2 years) awake all day so that she wouldn't scream on the flight...and what did she do? Scream. She did not have toys/food/drink for these poor girls and was highly offended that we didn't serve milk. Though we found some from a previous flight...our normal 1hr45min flight took 3hr and she told me that was all our fault. Nevermind the fact that a 200mile wide thunderstorm was in the way. She let me know her disgust as she left the aircraft - she spewed venom at me while the caterer, cabin cleaning crew, mechanic, and scout all stood there listening with their mouths open. I wish I'd had some marshmallows to toss into their mouths!

2. During deplaning (prior to the BAD MOM), several passengers told me what a wonderful job I did. Who should I believe? (Just a rhetorical question...)

3. A guy came on board and put both bags in the overhead. I told him that one needed to go at his feet. He DEMANDED to see it in writing. He paid extra for stretch seating and that included buying space in the overhead. Huh? He wanted a refund of his money, so I offered to escort him off the plane to the gate agent's desk and get him that refund AND a seat on another flight. He declined and sat down, with his bag at his feet.

4. The B flight attendant has the exact same birthday as me! Same day. Same year. Born about an hour or so after me! She's a grandmother to six and will be a great-grandmother in about 8 months. I think I got a late start in life.

It was on the van ride to the hotel that we saw the full moon. Then, and only then, was I able to understand why all this nonsense happened today. It was time to accept that it happened and MOVE ON. The real fun has yet to begin - I fly back to Denver this afternoon, sit for three hours, and then fly back to San Francisco. But that's not the fun! I then get to fly OVERNIGHT to Milwaukee.

I hope that the looneytoon passengers sleep through the flight! All normal passengers are welcome to stay awake and chitchat with the crew!

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