Monday, January 18, 2010

What a Difference a Week Makes!

I really enjoyed my three days off, and spent them "regrouping," organizing, and just plain 'ole relaxing. And, of course, the next block of duty days (6 days this time) started with a sit on that sexy black leather couch at DIA. But this time, I was assigned to the C shift, which was from 4PM until 10PM.

We did not get any assignments while there, and MAN...did that time move slowly! As expected, the next day I was at home and did not get any calls. And then, as expected, I got the A couch on the third day...some things are so predictable.

Now last week, as you might remember, I melted down when I was short-called on Sunday morning. Well, this week, they called me on Saturday to assign me to a trip on Sunday morning. What a difference that was!

Yesterday, I got to sleep in, well...sort of), got up, ate a leisurely breakfast, took a leisurely shower, got dressed, and had a leisurely drive to DIA to start my 3-day trip. Ahhhhhh. No stress, no mess, no tears. So much nicer!

We had our toughest day yesterday - we did a turn to Sacramento and then an overnight in St. Louis - it was a full day of flying. Today we will return to Denver and then go on to Sacramento for the night. And tomorrow, we'll return to Denver - and that should be it *knocks on wood*.

My crew is very nice - our B is pregnant, and it is fun talking with her and hearing her plans for delivery. It brings back a lot of memories. The other flight attendant is a former teacher, and every once in awhile her "former life" pops out, and she is a riot!

The passengers were very nice - I had a nice chat with a couple from Wisconsin, or, as they put it "God's Country!" They were flying back from Sacramento where they had been visiting some of their grandchildren. He told me that he had gotten out of prison the day before...Alcatraz! They told me that they have 14 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. Awesome! Several of the grandchildren are "special needs" adopted kids, and none of the great-grandchildren are products of "marriage" - their parents are just living together. I could tell that Grandma wished this was different! It was fun getting to chat with them.

The weather here in St. Louis is kind of overcast and cold, so I've opted to stick around the hotel, work on the computer, read and relax today. Our van time is 5:45PM, and then it's back to Denver!

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