Friday, January 21, 2011

Rest and Relaxation

Crew scheduling's new motto is, "work 'em until they drop!" It is against their rules to let us have duty days where we used to sit at home waiting for the phone to ring. Now...I had three days left on my schedule and they gave me a three-day trip. It was a good one! Hmmmm...let me see if I can remember where I went. Oh yes! I did a Milwaukee turn and a Phoenix overnight. The next night I did a Dallas overnight, and then we did a Phoenix turn...and I was released to my two days off. The three flight attendants stayed the same during the entire trip, but we kept swapping CPTs and FOs but that was okay.

After my two days off, they gave me a REALLY WEIRD two-day trip. I started out deadheading to Milwaukee (flying as a passenger instead of working the flight), then I worked a turn to LaGuardia and spent the night in Milwaukee. The next morning we deadheaded back to Denver. Weird. The passenger sitting next to me commented on how our planes seem to be filled with other Frontier crewmembers!

Fortunately, I was released to my three days off at 10AM. Yahoo! There was a union membership meeting for a couple hours and then a reserve roundtable meeting. I went to both, and the first one didn't have a lot of new information to report. But the second meeting was a great opportunity to share our feelings about having been on reserve for 3.5 years. We gave a lot of constructive criticism and a lot of good ideas. All this for the union contract that won't be created for another 3-5 years. In the meantime, we're holding on as best we can under the current work rules.

But now I'm off for a few days, and I actually got to go to the cabin in Breckenridge for a couple days with my hubby - believe it or not! We haven't been up here together in FOREVER. He's out skiing, and I'm hanging out with the doggies. It is snowy and cold here, and SUNNY. Yay!

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