At 5:18am today, on my drive from my home to Denver International Airport, I saw either a shooting star/a meteorite/space junk! It zoomed by me, lit on fire, and went out as it plummeted to the ground. And it wasn't very far from the ground to begin with! It was so awesome.
My first flight was from Denver to Bellingham, WA - my first time there! We didn't stay very long, though. But I would like to go back and stay for awhile. Then we headed back to Denver, and then on to LaGuardia in NYC. I am very excited that I will be able to visit with my daughter, her hubby and my granddogger tomorrow!
I have to pass on a random act of kindness that I witnessed today...there was a man who came on board who claimed he had a "medical problem" and couldn't sit all the way in the back of the plane. So the gate attempted to give him a seat at the front of the plane for a cost of $25, but he refused to pay it. So back to the plane he went! BUT, when he boarded the plane, he plopped his butt down in seat 2E, a premium seat. When the REAL owner of 2E came aboard, the guy told me about his medical issue, and said how he would not move to the back. I ended up moving him to 1E, and told him that he had to pay the additional fee because everyone else in that section had already paid it. So he pulled out a bunch of credit cards...two were expired, and the others couldn't be read because the strip on the back was so scratched. It just wasn't looking good. So I told him that after the captain turned off the seat belt sign I'd have to move him to a seat further back. He wasn't happy, but I had already heard from the gate agent about her dealing with him.
So what's the random act of kindness? The passenger in 1C gave me HIS credit card to charge the $25 - he said he didn't want the poor guy to suffer any more embarrassment. After the transaction was complete, I told 1E what had taken place and told him that he could pay cash to 1C. The guy in 1E rolled his eyes and scrunched up his face and said, "but I don't WANT to pay the money!" Then 1C told him that was fine, there was no need to reimburse him. I don't know if 1E ever thanked the guy. But it was nice to see that there are generous people around...